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Top 5 Technologies manufacturing should adopt before 2025

by Saravana Kumar

manufacturing technologies

Adopting new technology is a growing symptom of all Industry and similarly manufacturing Industry is not an exception. Industrial revolutions have made many improvements in manufacturing and service systems. Because of remarkable and rapid changes appeared in manufacturing and information technology, industries realized the importance of adapting to new technology. These advancements are conduced to increase productivity both in service systems and manufacturing environment. In recent years, manufacturing companies have faced substantial challenges due to the necessity in the coordination and connection of disruptive concepts such as communication and networking, embedded systems, adaptive robotics, cyber security, data analytics and artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing. These advancements have paved the way for the extension of the developments in manufacturing and information technology. It is a necessary one for the manufacturing industry to maintain current trends and standard for industrial growth. Let us have a look on top 5 manufacturing technologies that every manufacturing industries should adopt.

Why to implement in before 2025?

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change – Charles Darwin”.

For every 5 years, technology as well as dependent Industry is continuously evolving and shaping up the future strategies. Organizations continually try to adopt new technologies to overhaul their Industry infrastructures and to keep up with the pace of changing market dynamics. Industry’s futuristic vision and mission can be accomplished only by futuristic technologies. In next 5 years especially, manufacturing industry will face dramatic changes. So it is mandatory to adopt this simple formula to succeed.

The smart way to overcome all challenges & problems in the manufacturing Industry is the optimistic use of technology.

Here is a list of essential manufacturing technologies :

  • IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Automation and Robotics
  • Predictive Analysis
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Mobile applications

IoT (Internet of Things)

The Internet of things plays a vital role in the manufacturing industry. In today’s world, there is a heavy demand for customization with the increasing customer expectations, the complexity and many other challenges which encourage manufacturers to find more new innovative ways to remain competitive. IoT is a way to digital transformation in manufacturing. Industrial IoT employs a network of sensors to collect critical production data and it uses valuable manufacturing units to maximize productivity by maintaining production up times, reducing costs and eliminating unwanted time. IoT will help manufacturing industries improve their manufacturing efficiency.

Automation and Robotics

Automation plays a major role in manufacturing field. It is simply, without human intervention but a smart human intelligence way to get the manufacturing process done. It provides world-class quality, without any delay, while reducing errors & waste and increasing productivity.

Automation and Robotics avoid,

  • Improper data handling
  • Skilled Labour
  • Bad Quality
  • Skilled Labour Shortage
  • Unpredictable Time Estimation
  • Approximation and Inconsistency
  • Cost ineffective

Predictive Analysis

Manufacturing industry needs effective data for decision-making and a proper way to increase productivity. Predictive analysis is definitely the right way to guide the entire manufacturing industry. It is used to make predictions about unknown future events. It uses many techniques from data mining, statistics modelling to analyse current data to make predictions about the future. It combines the power of historical data with AI and Machine learning technology to understand, monitor and identify trends, predict potential problems and it provides recommendations to improve the process and maximize performance. It avoids unwanted navigation in decision-making situations.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence. has a great impact on the manufacturing industry. It ultimately empowers manufacturing Industry to continue to be the backbone of the global economy. It is the next level of success in the manufacturing industry. Experts predict that artificial intelligence will be a game changer for the growth of the manufacturing industry.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications provide more flexibility in manufacturing and help increase productivity. It eliminates the use of paper and it helps maintain the fully paper free environment with the access of storing key documents and data on cloud environment. Manufacturers can access such data at anytime and anywhere. It boosts up employee productivity and saves so many resources.

Proactive Leaders deeply think and never stop taking initiatives. It’s your chance now. Get utilized with these manufacturing technologies.

To know more….Talk to our experts to discuss about your requirements at your shop floor to improve your manufacturing productivity.