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Celebrating 50 Customers & 5B+ Events

by Ponlakshmi

celebrating customers

Today I am happy to share that we have clocked our 50th Business customer @ Bevywise Networks. It was indeed a great journey bootstrapping with a great team that has taken us where we are today.

The Early Days

We started building the products over MQTT. Our initial aim was to build an IoT Simulation toolkit. We had an initial version of the product around the end of 2016. However, we were not able to create more value with that product at that point in time. We believed building a Central MQTT Broker would add more value to the overall ecosystem. One of the things that all the MQTT Brokers lacked at that time and even today is the extended ability options on storage. We quickly added the MQTT broker and the multi-tenant-based IoT Platform by mid-2017.

The First Customer

We have been supporting a prospect for more than 4 months in the second half of 2017 as we do for most of the leads we generate till now. Around the end of the 5th month, he shared his wish to pay for a product. Then we finalized the price for the IoT Platform and then we clocked our first deal. At that point in time, the platform was halfway through its development and we had not even finalized the price for the product. We had our first 1000 devices IoT Platform deal from North America in November 2017.

Failures all Along

From the early days, we have been trying to build hardware for home automation. We had a perfect prototype and concept building. But had to discontinue due to the funds. However, we have been trying to build some hardware during the earlier days which all went in vain. Not only on the hardware part, but we also had to shelve some of the software products as well. During the early days, we had been working with a few corporates building prototypes and complete products which I believe will be part of most starts up with the greater ambition.

Association with DERBI

During mid-2018, I was introduced to Mr. Natarajan, our advisor as part of the association with the DERBI incubation program. The association was beneficial and we started exploring a few verticals to work on. We had a strong belief that the Frameworks will have their own share of the pie for Bevywise and at the same time, we should be able to create value for one of the verticals. This is to ensure that we validate our Platform and at the same time, we had a complete end-to-end solution. We finalized to take up Manufacturing as the next domain. In the meantime, we tried building some tools/software for the Pharma and biotech over the IoT and even tried providing some demos at a couple of meetups.

World’s leading MQTT Broker

In one of the independent analysis done by the University of Szeged, Hungary, MQTT broker was one of the top MQTT Brokers in terms of performance and the memory footprint when compared with all the leading MQTT offerings across the world.

Spanning out

During early 2019, we partnered with an edge data acquisition device company and started working on building products for smart manufacturing to enhance the OEE / Productivity of the shop floor. The initial version of the OEE Monitoring application was built over MQTT broker and the later version for the enterprise Manufacturing execution system ( MES ) was built over the IoT Platform. Today we have a complete ready-to-use MES to monitor productivity across multiple departments for any enterprise manufacturing company and have successfully connected 300 + machines to our Platform. We have a few surprises coming in the Manufacturing domain later this year.

Way to Go

With every product, it became a norm that we fail a couple of times before we get it right. The same happened with our CyrstalMQ hosted cloud MQTT Broker offering. We successfully moved our framework offering to the cloud earlier this year. We are working on enhancing the experience and at the same time moving our Smart manufacturing offering to the cloud as well going forward.


It was a wonderful journey creating and executing the B2B business. Have learned a lot on the business side over the years and yet a lot to learn going forward. I feel grateful to my family, friends, and customers.

Happy to look backward and see that we have built all these from the Tier II city of Tirunelveli, down south of Tamil Nadu. None of these milestones would have been possible without the great team. I am eternally grateful to all of our employees who have added their value all along our journey to bring us to the milestone we are today.

What our Customer says?

“Bevywise MQTT Broker is very reliable, powerful and a very affordable solution. The support understood our technical issues and solved them efficiently. We are happy for our decision to choose Bevywise for our Industry4.0 Implementation.”

Ihsan Gulec,Celikler Holding. Turkey.