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IoT Success Stories – Cattle Management – Dwmzone

by Hema

cattle management

“If your animals aren’t healthy, you cannot make money,” says Dr Jan du Preez, veterinarian. Diseases are prone to affect healthy animals and can cause hundreds of millions of dollar damage to the cattle Industry. Early diagnosis of the deadly diseases will significantly reduce the risk of mortality. Hence, the proper cattle management and its health is necessary. When it comes to managing cattle, the objective of every rancher is to be as decisive as possible. One of our customers, Dwmzone is the online electronic parts store in China who provide a critical solutions in a specifical application area. Their device could monitor cattle health parameters. Certainly, they uses the secure MQTT broker for their data visualization & analysis. This is one of our IoT Success stories of MQTT broker Implementation.

Need for Data Visualization

Dwmzone designed a device pierced into cattle’s ear to track the cattle health parameters such as temperature. Their goal was to provide farm owners, a complete visibility of health of their cattle. To get a better visibility of tracked parameters, the data visualization tool is necessary to audit the wellness of cattle. Hence, this will help them take an actionable decisions at any cost.

Why MQTT broker ?

MQTT broker comes up with a flexible data storage in addition to the Custom UI option to have a better data analysis & visualization. MQTT Broker integrated with Tableau provides a high level analysis of cattle parameters with an influential & impressive visualization. The data collected from the ear mounted sensor is pushed to MySQL through the built-in flexible storage option of MQTT Broker. As a result, MQTT broker implementation addresses their need and provide them a complete solution for cattle management.

“MQTTRoute provided us the necessary extendability for the custom storage option and enabled us for our Visualization. The support team helped us in craving the perfect end to end solution with their experience and expertise.”

– Jon Li, Co-Founder, Dwmzone. Ltd, China

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