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Visualize IoT Data with Elasticsearch

by Ponlakshmi

visualize iot data

All data collected from the edge devices should be analysed to drive proper decisions. A good tool to visualize IOT Data will help users drive better decisions. Each business want to visualize iot data with their own or comfortable tools as for their convenience.

A complete IOT implementation needs a powerful data processing, user friendly visualization and a quick decision driving notifications. To enable such a complete implementation, MQTT Broker can now talk to any Big data engine to store the data for further processing.

MQTT Broker & ElasticSearch

We added Elastic Search as a default extension into the MQTT Broker. You can just install the Elastic Search and configure the details in the conf/data_store.conf and the MQTT Broker will start writing all the received data into the Elastic Search engine. You can use The default index as mqtt and you can change it in the data_store.conf file. And also you can visualize the data using Kibana powerful visualization tool from the Elastic.co page. Most tools today can read data from Elastic to show it in a nice user friendly way.

Handling JSON

MQTT Broker will split the JSON to one level and store it in document store as individual columns, so that it will be easy to query and make decisions.

For example, a data from a HVAC Sensor production_room_sensor_4 in the JSON format will look like

{“Humidity”:”50%” , “Temperature”:”27°C”, “Time”:”Tuesday, 19 Dec 2017 14:22:33″ }

The same will be stored in a more flat structure for easy construction of visualization Queries. If you are using a more nested JSON for data transfer

sender:production_room_sensor_4, “Humidity”:”50%” , “Temperature”:”27°C”, “Time”:”Tuesday, 19 Dec 2017 14:22:33″

Visualize IOT Data with any Platform

MQTT Broker also send the received data to any of your python program for you to process and store into your own data store

# The parameter data will be in dict format and the keys are ‘sender’,’topic’, ‘message’, ‘unixtime’, ‘timestamp’ def handle_Received_Payload(data): # Write your code here. Use your connection object to # Send data to your data store

We will be adding more integrations to the MQTT Broker by default. So that it can used as a plug and play with minimal implementation from the development team.

Try our MQTT Broker for FREE and experience seamless connectivity.

Contact support for any assistance.